Swiss Medical Treatment - Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland

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Switzerland / 瑞士


Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland. We are a personalized plastic surgery/cosmetic treatment consulting service working in Switzerland. We can help you find the right doctor and whatever procedure that you have chosen. We will guide you through it from a to z. For our foreign patients, we will provide you with the necessary documents needed to obtain a visa.



Swiss Medical Treatment - Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland. We are a personalized plastic surgery/cosmetic treatment consulting service working in Switzerland. We can help you find the right doctor and whatever procedure that you have chosen. We will guide you through it from a to z. For our foreign patients, we will provide you with the necessary documents needed to obtain a visa.



Để được tư vấn và giải đáp thắc mắc, các bạn có thể đặt lịch miễn phí với chuyên gia. Đăng ký qua form ngay, hoặc xin vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi qua email và điện thoại dưới đây


+41 79 419 97 22