Swiss Medical Treatment - Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland

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Switzerland / 瑞士


Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland. We are a personalized plastic surgery/cosmetic treatment consulting service working in Switzerland. We can help you find the right doctor and whatever procedure that you have chosen. We will guide you through it from a to z. For our foreign patients, we will provide you with the necessary documents needed to obtain a visa.



Swiss Medical Treatment - Healthcare and medical treatment in Switzerland. We are a personalized plastic surgery/cosmetic treatment consulting service working in Switzerland. We can help you find the right doctor and whatever procedure that you have chosen. We will guide you through it from a to z. For our foreign patients, we will provide you with the necessary documents needed to obtain a visa.



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Электронная почта

Телефон : +41 79 419 97 22

расположение : Женева, Швейцария

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